Memo 📔: Getting started with JUCE and Running Some Experiments for Neural Audio Synthesis

Posted: April 25, 2023

Several tries using JUCE from the basic demo and some of the generative machine learning applied for VST.


  1. Install JUCE
  2. AI audio processing libarary

1. Install JUCE

If you are not familiar with JUCE, please follow official tutorial at first

You can download JUCE from here.

Personally, I am using JUCE v7.0.4 atm.

Make sure your JUCE root directory and module directory from "Project>Global Paths"

An image from Notion

Good explanation for CMake

2. Generative Machine Learning applied for VST plugins





Neural Amp Modeler Plug-in

TCN sample code

Advance, running ML library for JUCE

A lightweight neural network inference engine written in C++

libtorch implementation example

Neutone SDK